Friday, April 26, 2013

Whew! A lot of revision went into Peter A. Mello's ancestral branch, of special note are his paternal grandparents, Mihaly Milyo and Unknown, and also the tons of stuff regarding his sister Ann. New picture added, too. As always, be sure to click the images to enlarge them. And don't forget to refer to the bare-bones chart at the top of the page, or you'll get lost for sure if you're not familiar with the main players. All of it is on this page.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I've been updating some of the genealogy, starting with the other branches of the family, 'cause it's easiest due to the lack of pictures and information. I got tons more stuff to post, so just check back when you can.

Remember, if you have any information that I don't have regarding anything, please leave comments. State whether it's truly factual, or if it's just what you've always heard or thought. There is a lot of erroneous information out there, and it needs to be contained. And, of course, if you have any pictures, please send them. We're always looking for pictures!

If you email me anything, let me know, 'cause I never check my email.