Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Just in case someone wants to leave a comment on anything but isn't sure how to do so (because it's not too apparent), clicking on the words "no comments" will open a box where you can then type whatever you want.

Like this here.

Maybe after someone leaves the first comment will the comments box remain open. I don't know.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homecoming queen!

While rooting through some family videos the other day, I came across this one of our family's main genealogist, Denise. It's flattering footage, so I don't think she'll mind my posting the clip :)
The narrators are Eleanor Mello-Appel (daughter of Anna Demko and Peter A. Mello) and her husband, Robert.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Marcinkos have arrived!

I finally posted some stuff about the Marcinkos. The "trouble" is that, as we get to more recent family members, there is a lot more to post about them, pictures and otherwise, so it's gonna take some time.
Meanwhile, enjoy what's up so far. Don't forget to leave comments or give any information you have that I don't. If you have pictures, mail 'em to me at