Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homecoming queen!

While rooting through some family videos the other day, I came across this one of our family's main genealogist, Denise. It's flattering footage, so I don't think she'll mind my posting the clip :)
The narrators are Eleanor Mello-Appel (daughter of Anna Demko and Peter A. Mello) and her husband, Robert.


  1. Oh my goodness. I have not seen this video before. That was a lifetime ago. 50 years later, "you should see me now." I was friendly with most of my classmates but still surprised when nominated and elected that year. Mom made my dress from a Vogue pattern. Dad was my escort to the football game and shared the podium with my date, a friend from physics class named Dave. It was a big deal back then and a bit overwhelming for a 16 year old - wearing a crown, a red velvet cape, having newspaper photos taken while riding in a school parade with floats and a band playing at homecoming football game halftime. I rode on the back of a new red Corvette convertible, with an arm full of flowers and all of the pomp. Enough! It was memorable to see my young looking parents, sweet younger siblings, including Mike who gave me a quick kiss in this video. Aunt Terri is my Godmother, Cousin Barb is holding my youngest sibling, Joe who was born earlier that year in March 1963. What fun to reminisce. Thanks for the memories!

    1. You're welcome! Sounds like one heck of a night for you. Mom and I have been enjoying the videos, too. Like you, she mentioned how nice it is "to see everybody again." It takes a while to go through videos, but I'll see what else I can find.
