Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A few updates.

I know that some Dzurissins have been hitting the site lately, so they know the site's been updated regarding their information. For those who haven't been here for a while, the site's been updated a little regarding their information (See how I did that?) I really need to add some more stuff—it just keeps coming! That's a good thing :)

Dates are always biggies, and I just today noticed a wrong date. It was on the colored, bare-bones-genealogy chart. The chart listed Basilus Demko's death date as the same as his son's: March 01, 1929. It was actually August 20, 1874. The date was correct on his page, though. I've already changed the charts. Sorry for screwing up anyone's notes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Just in case someone wants to leave a comment on anything but isn't sure how to do so (because it's not too apparent), clicking on the words "no comments" will open a box where you can then type whatever you want.

Like this here.

Maybe after someone leaves the first comment will the comments box remain open. I don't know.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homecoming queen!

While rooting through some family videos the other day, I came across this one of our family's main genealogist, Denise. It's flattering footage, so I don't think she'll mind my posting the clip :)
The narrators are Eleanor Mello-Appel (daughter of Anna Demko and Peter A. Mello) and her husband, Robert.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Marcinkos have arrived!

I finally posted some stuff about the Marcinkos. The "trouble" is that, as we get to more recent family members, there is a lot more to post about them, pictures and otherwise, so it's gonna take some time.
Meanwhile, enjoy what's up so far. Don't forget to leave comments or give any information you have that I don't. If you have pictures, mail 'em to me at

Friday, April 26, 2013

Whew! A lot of revision went into Peter A. Mello's ancestral branch, of special note are his paternal grandparents, Mihaly Milyo and Unknown, and also the tons of stuff regarding his sister Ann. New picture added, too. As always, be sure to click the images to enlarge them. And don't forget to refer to the bare-bones chart at the top of the page, or you'll get lost for sure if you're not familiar with the main players. All of it is on this page.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I've been updating some of the genealogy, starting with the other branches of the family, 'cause it's easiest due to the lack of pictures and information. I got tons more stuff to post, so just check back when you can.

Remember, if you have any information that I don't have regarding anything, please leave comments. State whether it's truly factual, or if it's just what you've always heard or thought. There is a lot of erroneous information out there, and it needs to be contained. And, of course, if you have any pictures, please send them. We're always looking for pictures!

If you email me anything, let me know, 'cause I never check my email.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mellos, and Demkos, and Marcinkos! Oh, my!

The Secret Life of Slovaks. A whimsical name at most. I'm sure the subconscious idea came from some show or other. Since I decided on that as the name for this site, though, I may as well post a very little something about my Slovakness, on the off chance that some distant relative may pass by.

Keep in mind that there may be several ways to spell/pronounce some names due to different regions and Ellis Island. A cousin of mine did much of this genealogy with the help of a hired Slovak genealogist.

Without going back too far, the parents of my great-grandmother were John Demko (1864-1929) and Zussana Yuhas (1869-1930). Their daughter Anna Demko (born in Dunmore, PA) is my direct ancestor, and the one my family uses as the common-ancestor  yardstick when figuring out just how extended-family members are related to each other. (Slovaks have a lot of kids, and it isn't always immediately apparent how "that guy at the reception" is related to us.)

Anna Demko goes on to meet and marry Peter Andrew Milyo ("Mello" is what we go by), and they had a buttload of kids, my direct ancestor being my grandmother Anna P. Mello (1908-1985). She marries Michael Marcinko, the son of John Marcinko (d. 1945) and Mary Podrasky (d. 1955); Mary was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and came to America in 1890.

So that's it. In reality, there's a lot more, but that's all you're going to get. I'm throwing a Hail Mary here, but if any of this means anything to you, leave a comment (I never, ever check my email). Who knows? We may be third or fourth cousins 3x removed!